Welcome to our Blog


In 28 days The McMahon fam will be boarding a plane to New Zealand. We will be spending Sept. 1 - 8 on the North Island and making our way to Christchurch, NZ on Sept. 9 until November 15. November 15 - 27th we will be in Australia, then stopping by Fiji until December 2nd. We will take a small break back home in Colorado during December and January before we head to Toulouse, France from February 1st - May 1st. The Month of May is still TBD (but I have high hopes for an Italian adventure)! 

Maggie - 12 years old/7th grade, and Finn - 9 years old/4th grade will start online school at Boulder Universal on August 16th. 

We are prepping our house to rent it and getting organized with final travel logistics. This blog will be a place where friends and family can check-in on our adventures, as well as a place to record our memories and experiences to look back on for many years to come. 


  1. Hi to all of you. I’m so excited for you as you experience this great adventure. It’s good that we blogging partners can come along for the ride!


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